Hi Adam, the link at the start of this article to "fear nothing" is busted—it leads to some weird spam site. I think you meant to link to your own fear nothing piece on this blog here?

Extremely weird. How does this sort of thing happen?

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The late Dr. Thompson gave a lecture at my alma matter in around 1980. Everyone came expecting Fear and Loathing but he was quite serious and his sober conclusion was that the students needed to get informed and vote. But the body of his talk, as I recall, centered around how corrupt and broken the system was.

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Though Hunter was liberal, I have a feeling he would have moved to the right, I can see Pelosi etc, telling him he needs to give up his arms, cancel him out for his opinions. He thought dc was bad then, he wouldn’t believe it now, he’d have plenty to write about.

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Hunter checked himself out to soon.

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